During this week, the D.O. Monterrei will participate in two of the gastronomic events that will take place in the province of Ourense.
The first will be the 24th edition of the International Gastronomic Tourism Show Xantar, to be held from 02 to 05 November in Expourense.
The D.O. Monterrei will be part of this initiative with the aim of strengthening the brand image, the wine territory, as well as promoting the product that is made in the territory. The following wineries will participate in the Wine Tunnel initiative: Pazo das Tapias, José Antonio Da Silva Pereira (Vinos Lara), Terras do Cigarrón, Fausto Rivero Pardo (Quinta Soutullo), Gargalo, Ladairo e Fragas do Lecer. Also, the wines of the D.O. Monterrei will be present pairing dishes made with quality products of Galicia in the showcookings of Xantar.
The second event will be the XXVIII Festa da Castaña e o Cogomelo de Riós, on November 5, and in which the Regulatory Council will have its own stand where it will offer information on the territory, soil and climatic characteristics or grape varieties, among other issues. In addition, those who come to this promotional space can also taste the wines of the denomination.
Likewise, the red and white of Monterrei will be present in the popular food that is organized on the occasion of this event. The following wineries will participate in this initiative: Ladairo, Pazo das Tapias, Gargalo, José Luis Gómez Ibáñez (Valderello), José Antonio Da Silva Pereira (Vinos Lara), Crego e Monaguillo, Terras do Cigarrón, Triay Adegas de Oímbra, Pazo Blanco Núñez (Tapias Mariñán), Fragas do Lecer, Manuel Guerra Justo (Vía Arxéntea), Pazo de Valdeconde, Tabú, Franco Basalo, Alba Al-Bar (Daniel Fernández), Trasdovento, Fausto Rivero Pardo (Quinta Soutullo), Manuel Vázquez Losada e Manuel Regueiro García (Serra de Alén).