The C.R.D.O. Monterrei has just carried out, in Vigo, a Masterclass aimed at purchasing managers, sommeliers, owners of restaurants, and specialized online and offline press.
This activity has been divided into a training session on the name (soil and climatic characteristics, grape varieties or product typology, among other issues), wine tasting made in Monterrei and harmony of them with different gastronomic elaborations made in the restaurant “Maruja Limón” Rafa Centeno.
The initiative was attended by Pedro Gabana (head of food purchases in the south of Galicia in Carrefour), Francisco Couso (coordinator of shopping centers in Galicia in Carrefour), Víctor Jaúregui (manager of the Circle of Entrepreneurs of Galicia), Jesús Picallo (vice-president of the Galician Tourism Cluster), José Magaz (Asador Soriano), Teo Andrés (deputy director of Atlántico Diario), Eloy Magariños (Cadena Ser), Jose Avelaira (Vinoteca Avelaira), Carmen Fernández (editor-in-chief of Vinetur), Pepe Cadavedo (gastronomic program in TeleVigo), Juliana Picarelli (sommelier of the restaurant Maruja Limón), Raquel Sánchez (editor of Rural Culture), María Varela (Diario de Pontevedra), Roberto Ledo (director of Diario Luso Galaico), Xaime Rodríguez (director of the Escuela Hostelería Harina Blanca), César S. Ballesteros (president of the Federation of Tourism and Hospitality Entrepreneurs of the province of Pontevedra), Luis Domenech (director of Buena Pitanza), Maruxa Alfonso (editor in chief of Somos Agro of La Voz de Galicia) or Carlos González (Albatros Restaurant), among others.
The wineries participating in this activity have been: Ladairo, Pazo das Tapias, Gargalo, José Luis Gómez Ibáñez (Valderello), José Antonio Da Silva Pereira (Vinos Lara), Crego e Monaguillo, Terras do Cigarrón, Triay Adegas de Oímbra, Pazo Blanco Núñez (Tapias Mariñán), Fragas do Lecer, Manuel Guerra Justo (Vía Arxéntea), Pazo de Valdeconde, Tabú, Franco Basalo, Alba Al-Bar (Daniel Fernández), Trasdovento, Manuel Vázquez Losada and Manuel Regueiro García (Serra de Alén).
“Promotional actions such as these allow us to have an exclusive and direct deal with participants, no longer only detailed explanations of the territory and its singularities, but discover the potential of our wines through a gastronomic harmony with them,” says the president of C.R.D.O. Monterrei, Jonatás Gago García.