The C.R.D.O. Monterrei has just organized, in Oviedo, a Masterclass aimed at sommeliers, owners of establishments catering, distribution and media.
This activity has been divided into a training session on the name (soil and climate characteristics, grape varieties or product typology), tasting of Monterrei wines and harmony of the same with different gastronomic elaborations made in the restaurant Casa Ramón.
The initiative was attended by Edén Fernández and Moisés Moya (director and sommelier of the Divenire Group), José Alfonso Moutas (owner of Moutas Gourmet Area), Lara Roguez (chef of the restaurant Abarike), Vicente Fernández and Iván Fernández (sumiller and chef of the restaurant Ca’Suso), José María de Rato (regional director of Onda Cero Asturias), Pedro Martino (owner and chef of the restaurant Pedro Martino), Tano Ruiz and Miguel Fernández (president and sommelier of the Asociación Asturiana de Sumilleres), Genoveva Bilbao (NM restaurant sommelier, *Michelin), Óscar Sariego and Borja Rodríguez (chef and sommelier of the restaurant Somió Park), Diego Rodríguez (sommelier of the restaurant El Tizón), Jaime Uz and Natalia Ampuria (chef and sommelier-purchasing manager of the restaurant Cova Sacra), Miguel Antón Argüelles (CEO of Sublimedia Marketing), or Rubén Riaño and Antonio Lobeto (director and commercial director, respectively, of SER Radio Asturias), among others.
The wineries participating in this activity have been: Ladairo, Pazo das Tapias, Gargalo, José Antonio Da Silva Pereira (Vinos Lara), Crego e Monaguillo, Terras do Cigarrón, Triay, Pazo Blanco Núñez (Tapias Mariñán), Fragas do Lecer, Vía Arxéntea, Pazo de Valdeconde, Tabú, Alba Al-Bar (Daniel Fernández), Trasdovento, Fausto Rivero Pardo and Manuel Regueiro García (Serra de Alén).
“The implementation of initiatives such as this allows direct contact with attendees, since they explain the peculiarities of our wines and what makes us different from other wine regions”, says the president of C.R.D.O. Monterrei, Manuel Vázquez Losada.