The wines of Monterrei will be present in ‘Galicia Wines and Aguardientes Festival’, which will take place on December 3rd in London.
Monterrei will be part of this joint promotion action, organized by the Spanish Union of Tasters (UEC) and the Association of CC.RR. Bodegas Gallegos and II.GG. Traditional Spirits and Liquors of Galicia (ACRUAGA). It will be held at 67 Pall Mall in the British capital, and this is the second joint action carried out by the Regulatory Councils of Galician wines and spirits, this year after the participation in ‘Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris’.
In the Monterrei area, participants will be able to see the wines of the following wineries registered under the designation: Trasdovento, Pazo das Tapias, Ladairo, Tabú, Alba Al-Bar (Daniel Fernández), Vía Arxéntea, Crego e Monaguillo, Fausto Rivero Pardo (Quinta Soutullo), Fragas do Lecer, Gargalo, José Antonio Da Silva Pereira (Vinos Lara), José Luis Mateo García (Quinta da Muradella), Pazo de Valdeconde, Franco Basalo and Manuel Regueiro García.
In addition, they will receive information about the territory, history and tradition of wine production, soil and climate characteristics, grape varieties or types of wines, among other issues.