The last promotional activity of the D.O. Monterrei, held in Fisterra, has had about a hundred attendees from this area.
Over the course of four hours, members of the catering and hospitality sector, distribution and media, among others, have known the uniqueness of the name. Among those who have approached this initiative, which has also participated the president of the Regulatory Council, Jonatás Gago, were representatives of establishments La Bayonaisse, A Cova do Raposo, Trebón, Taberna do Carreixo, Parador de Turismo Costa da Morte, Bela Fisterra, Mar de Fisterra or Bela Muxía. In addition to the presidents of the Asociación Española de Geólogos, AGACS (Asociación Galega de Amigos do Camiño de Santiago) and APTCM (Asociación Profesionais de Turismo da Costa da Morte).
Likewise, the participants in this action of the D.O. Monterrei have been able to taste the reds and whites of the following wineries: Ladairo, Gargalo, Castro de Lobarzán, José Luis Gómez Ibáñez (Valderello), José Antonio Da Silva Pereira (Vinos Lara), Crego e Monaguillo, Terras do Cigarrón, Triay, Terrae Monterrei, Pazo Blanco Núñez (Tapias Mariñán), Fragas do Lecer, Manuel Guerra Justo (Vía Arxéntea), Pazo de Valdeconde, Tabú, Alba Al-Bar (Daniel Fernández), Franco Basalo, Trasdovento, Manuel Vázquez Losada and Manuel Regueiro García (Serra de Alén).
This initiative is part of the cycle of promotional actions carried out by the denomination for 2023, which has allowed the wines of Monterrei have reached cities such as Barcelona, Madrid, Berlin, Lugo or Santander. “We consider it essential that hospitality and restaurant professionals, in addition to distribution, know our whites and reds and why they are the best choice for their customers. Our promotion is not only aimed at the final consumer, but also to work different sales channels, and thus reinforce the work carried out by our wineries throughout the year”, highlights the president of the C.R.D.O. Monterrei, Jonatás Gago.