The latest promotional initiative of the Designation of Origin Monterrei has brought together more than eighty professionals from the distribution sector and Horeca channel in the city of San Sebastian.
This initiative, carried out within the framework of the ‘Vidivinos’ showroom, aimed to publicize the wines produced in the denomination, strengthen the brand image and promote direct marketing, among other issues. Representatives of restaurants such as Dendategui Hermanos, Chapoo, Arzak, Akelarre, Portu Taberna, Calderón, Zazpi San Telmo, Oteiza, García Edén have participated in this event; or distributors such as Bebidas Ugalde, Exclusivas Mardu, Lukas Gourmet, Mikel Santos Sanchez y otro C.B, Solbes Gourmet, Anabi 2005, Ulzama, Amolasagasti, Errasti, Doowine, Garcia Edari Baketat, among others. Many of them have approached the space of the D.O. Monterrei, in the same way as members of sommelier associations, specialized shops, gastronomic societies or even Jon Andoni Rementería (Spanish champion of Sommeliers in 2018).
In this space, in addition to tasting the whites and reds produced in the denomination, the attendees were able to know the peculiarities of this wine-growing territory, such as, for example, soil and climate characteristics, wine typologies or wine tradition.
It is the second time, throughout this year, that the appellation of origin Monterrei is part of the showroom ‘Vidivinos’, in which the wines of 21 wineries have been present: Ladairo, Pazos del Rey, Pazo das Tapias, Gargalo, Castro de Lobarzán, José Antonio Da Silva Pereira (Vinos Lara), José Luis Gómez Ibáñez (Valderello), Crego e Monaguillo, Quinta do Buble, Terras do Cigarrón, Triay Adegas de Oímbra, Pazo Blanco Núñez (Tapias Mariñán), Fragas do Lecer, Manuel Guerra Justo (Vía Arxéntea), Abeledos, Tabú, Franco Basalo, Alba Al-Bar (Daniel Fernández), Trasdovento, Fausto Rivero Pardo (Quinta Soutullo) and Manuel Vázquez Losada.
“The participation in the showroom ‘Vidivinos’ in San Sebastian has ended with a success of attendees to the space of the D.O. Monterrei,” says the president of the C.R.D.O. Monterrei, Lara Da Silva. “It is not the first time that Monterrei carries out a promotional action in this city, and we will continue to have it in our list of indispensable, since we always find a high level of participation of professionals of the hospitality, and represents a key market for our wines”.