
CRDO Monterrei Characteristics


  • D.O Monterrei´s territory belongs to river Duero´s basin because river Tamega, which crosses the D.O from North to South, flows into it.It has a mild Mediterranean climate with continental tendency with Atlantic influence. Its summers are hot and dry while winters are cold. The zone has many temperature differences, up to 20ºC in ripening period.


  • Monterrei has three types of soils: slated and schist, ideal in draught periods that provide aromas to the red wines, granitic and sandy; that come from granitic rock erosion, they have low pH, appropriate for white wines. Sedimentary; complex due to the mixture of materials.

Discover a landscape surrounded by colours of wine. A land’s history and

gastronomy which will surprise you with their wine cellars and growers. The "wine trail".
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