The C.R.D.O. Monterrei has ratified for the seventh consecutive year its status as a permanent collaborator of Expourense, which will allow it to be present in […]
The Ruta do Viño Monterrei, with the collaboration of Turismo de Galicia, will organize between 10 and 12 June the eleventh edition of the Open Days. […]
The last promotional activity of the D.O. Monterrei, held in Bilbao, has gathered more than sixty assistants in the distribution and restoration sector. The D.O. Monterrei […]
The C.R.D.O. Monterrei has just realized, in A Coruña, a Masterclass intended for specialized press and sommeliers of establishments of hospitality and restoration of the province. […]
The city of Oviedo has witnessed the latest promotional activity of the Denomination of Origin Monterrei, in which more than seventy professionals have been present HORECA […]
The C.R.D.O. Monterrei will participate, one more year, in the Fair of the Lazarus, which will take place this weekend in the municipal pavilion of sports […]