The town of Muxía has witnessed the latest promotional activity of the Denomination of Origin Monterrei, in which more than 120 professionals from the hospitality and restaurant sectors have been present.
The Bela Muxía Hostel has hosted a wide representation of the HORECA channel, sommeliers or hospitality schools, among others. Among them were Cándido Lema (hotel entrepreneur Casal de Filipines), María Rubio (travel bloggers of viaxes Galicia), Pepe Formoso (president APTCM -Profesionais de Turismo da Costa da Morte), Antonio Cortés (RSC de Gadisa), responsible for the hotels Bela Fisterra and Bela Muxía, Manuel Regueiro (president two xeologists from Spain), Rodrigo Costoya (writer) or international and national pilgrims, among others.
Participants in this initiative have received information on the soil and climatic characteristics of this wine territory, its tradition and history, as well as grape varieties or wine typologies. They have also been able to know the peculiarities of the wines of the 19 wineries that have been part of this promotional action: Ladairo, Pazo das Tapias, Gargalo, Castro de Lobarzán, José Luis Gómez Ibáñez (Valderello), Crego e Monaguillo, Terras do Cigarrón, Terrae Monterrei (Adegas Terrae), Pazo Blanco Núñez (Tapias Mariñán), Fragas do Lecer, Manuel Guerra Justo (Vía Arxéntea), Abeledos, Pazo de Valdeconde, Tabú, Franco Basalo, Alba Al-Bar (Daniel Fernández), Trasdovento, Fausto Rivero Pardo (Quinta Soutullo) and Manuel Vázquez Losada.
“The Costa da Morte is a fixed appointment in the calendar of promotional actions of the D.O. Monterrei, and after carrying out an activity last year in Fisterra, this year has been carried out in Muxía”, says the president of the C.R.D.O. Monterrei, Lara Da Silva, “since there our product is always very well received, both by the distribution sector and by the channel HORECA”.